I have been thinking recently about healthy and maturing boards of governance for ministry organizations, including local church boards and college boards of...
Board Development Assessment Tool
Organizational development issues for nonprofit companies have been on my mind in recent weeks. Recently, I reflected again on the Nazarene Compassionate...
A confession…I am a “Board-Hugger!”
In recent years I have become a "board-hugger!" The reason, I believe, is captured in the famous quote of the late president of the United States, Theodore...
Measuring Your Progress
You will benefit from reading below the recent post by Russ Bredholt, Measuring Your Progress." Dr. Bredholt is president of Bredholt and Associates. Check...
Servant Leadership for a Servant Community
In 1988, I presented the closing address to the Pan Asia Christian Education Seminar in Singapore. The theme of the address was "Servant Leadership for a...
Highlights: BoardServe Roundtable Biennial Meeting
On August 1, 2014 in Mount Vernon, Ohio, I convened a meeting of a small group of mature adults who have vast experience with not-for-profit boards and board...