The letter below was sent recently to many colleagues with which I work in the International Board of Education. Please see the announcement in the last two paragraphs. More later.
Dear Colleagues,
Christian greetings from the International Board of Education office at the Global Ministry Center of the Church of the Nazarene!
Please find attached important documents relating to education in the denomination and other Global Ministry Center entities as a result of the recent 88th General Board Session in Louisville, Kentucky, USA. I encourage you to read the documents and forward the information to others with whom you work, as appropriate.
Document #1 is a letter to the Global Ministry Center and regional office personnel. This document can be found at the following link: click here.
Document #2 is Dr. Warrick’s speech to the General Board on Saturday, February 26. This 14-page document is critical in understanding the context within which the Board of General Superintendents, in consultation with the GMC Senior Leadership Team and the Global Mission Team, has been working during the past several months in developing a work plan for the future of the Global Ministry Center. This document can be found at the following link: click here.
Document #3 is the report of the Board of General Superintendents to the General Board, presented by General Superintendent Dr. Eugenio Duarte, and can be found at the following link: click here.
These are outstanding documents and I encourage you to read them in their entirety.
The three-page letter from Dr. Warrick (Document #1) indicates that the 2011 General Board approved a “single leader concept” for the International Board of Education and Clergy Development. The Board of General Superintendents and the General Board also accepted my willingness to take early retirement, effective September 30, 2011, to facilitate the transition to the single leader concept.
It has been my delight and profound privilege to work closely with the Board of General Superintendents, the Global Ministry Team, the IBOE staff, the regional directors and regional education coordinators, and the leaders of the 53 Church of the Nazarene colleges, universities, and seminaries located in 35 countries.
I want to finish well the work I’ve begun in my tenure as Education Commissioner for the denomination. I will contact you when more details of this transition are made known.
Gratefully and joyfully,
LeBron Fairbanks
March 6, 2011