I have been thinking recently about an earlier blog that discusses leadership and acceptance.
In the book, CROSS CULTURAL CONNECTIONS, the author states that “what John 3:16 is to the unbeliever, Romans 15:7 is to the believer.” Romans 15:7 reads: Accept one another then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God.” Increasingly, this ATTITUDE of ACCEPTANCE must identify and define us as biblical servant leaders. It is the heart of all we are.
“Acceptance” is the ability to communicate value, regard, worth and respect to others. It is the ability to make people feel significant, honored and esteemed. This is leading “with the mind of Christ.” To intentionally accept and serve others is to love them.
* Acceptance is a profound biblical principle for Christian leaders, especially when good and godly people collide over vision and values in a community of faith.
What is the opposite of acceptance? Is it not rejection? Hoes does the rejection by others make you feel? How do you think rejection of others make them feel? How does rejection of others within a community of faith affect your own relationship to God?
I believe this grace-filled Acceptance of Others is a core Christian leadership quality that must be cultivated. And, I am convinced that an ATTITUDE OF ACCEPTANCE is shaped and nurtured by three compelling convictions about:
who we are as the People of God;
what we are to do in the work of God; and
how we live together as the family of God.
And these convictions become driving forces within us as we live and lead with an acceptance of those with whom we live and work.
My brother in law, Dr. Lee Woolery, district superintendent of the Northwest Indiana district in the United States, recently shared with me this quote.
This is leadership character. It is Christ-like servant leadership!
*To this leadership ministry we are uniquely called!
*A biblical servant leader brings a “non-anxious” presence to difficult situations in a fellowship of faith.
* This “non-anxious” presence is nurtured by a grace-given ACCEPTANCE of OTHERS with whom we live and work.
A final Question. In difficult situations, when you encounter the “reality” of “good and godly people differing and colliding with you,” where do you place yourself on the following scale?
ACCEPTANCE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 REJECTION
Remember, what John 3:16 is to the unbeliever, Romans 15:7 is to the believer.
“Accept one another then,
just as Christ accepted you,
in order to bring praise to God.”
May this CHARACTER QUALITY of ACCEPTANCE increasingly identify you and me in our leadership assignments.
LeBron Fairbanks