2012 Global Conferences

Mar 12, 2010 | Blog

The initial planning meeting for the 2012 Global Theology Conference and the Global Faith, Learning, and Living Conference was held on Thursday afternoon and evening, February 18, in conjunction with the International Board of Education (IBOE) annual meeting. The IBOE and the eight regional education coordinators for the Church of the Nazarene globally serve as planning committee members for the two conferences. Dr. Ron Benefiel, Nazarene Theological Seminary president, serves as chair for the Global Theology Conference Planning Committee, and Dr. Loren Gresham, Southern Nazarene University president, leads the Global Faith, Learning, and Living Conference.


Dr. Ron Benefiel, Co-chair Global Theology Conference

Dr. Ron Benefiel, Co-chair Global Theology Conference

Dr. Loren Gresham, Co-chair Global Faith, Learning and Living Conference

Dr. Loren Gresham, Co-chair Global Faith, Learning, and Living Conference

The two conferences will be held on the campus of Africa Nazarene University in Nairobi, Kenya. The Global Theology Conference (GTC) is scheduled for March 26-28, 2012, and will focus on critical issues in Ecclesiology. The GTC is designed to be a global conversation among Nazarene theologians, biblical scholars, denomination leaders and pastors (by invitation). A key desired outcome relates to a shared vision emerging from the conference of the biblical/theological nature and mission of the Church in light of the demographic center of the church moving to the Southern and Eastern Hemispheres.

The Global Theology Conference is sponsored by the Board of General Superintendents. Participants for the conference will be selected by the IBOE schools and by the conference planning committee.

The Global Faith, Learning, and Living Conference is scheduled for March 30-April 1, 2012. The conference will include participation from the majority of the 54 Church of the Nazarene institutions in 35 countries. The goal of the conference is to inspire and mobilize Nazarene faculty and students to engage the Millennium Development Goals in fulfillment of the Great Commission and the Great Commandment. The overarching question for the conferences is “How do we live the mission of the Church of Jesus Christ in our global, complex and changing world?”

The “One Heart, Many Hands” organization will coordinate an all-conference service day on March 29, and other, more lengthy, service opportunities before and after the conference.

LeBron Fairbanks, education commissioner, will chair the coordinating and finance committees for the conferences. He will work with the planning committees for both conferences and leaders from Africa Nazarene University and the Africa Region.

Additional information will be forthcoming. Questions may be directed to the International Board of Education office at IBOE@nazarene.org.


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