Mentoring and Modeling Leadership Character

May 12, 2023 | Blog

The book, Mentoring and Modeling Leadership Character, reflects on leadership character themes I shared with emerging leaders in various settings. Chapters in the book attempt to capture my intense desire to entrust or pass on to a younger generation of leaders what has been so bountifully given to me through education, ministry assignments, relationships, reading, and life experiences. The book is an attempt to fulfill what I understand as a key mentoring verse in Scripture:

“And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others” (2 Timothy 2:2).

The monographs in the book were presented originally in chapel services, commencement addresses, graduation sermons, regional and national conferences, and as a revised section of a chapter in a previous book. They begin to identify some desired outcomes in the lives of the mentored and in the person who is mentoring and modeling leadership character.

“Leadership character refers to the qualities that shape the leaders’ motivations, responses, and moral actions in the home, on the job, and in cultural and faith communities, as expressed through communication, relationships, decision-making, and development of trust” (p. 12).

The monographs are grouped thematically to explore:

The Need for Leadership Character.
The Challenges to Leadership Character; and
The Facets of Leadership Character.

The 12 monographs focus on:

Asking the Right Questions.
Pursuing Character Formation.
Mentoring and Modeling Leadership Character.
Moving from Vision to Action to Results.
Cultivating the Character Quality of Acceptance.
Watching the Words We Speak.
Dealing with a Sense of Betrayal.
Intentionally Nurturing the Christian Life.
Maturing Spiritually in a Diverse Christian Community.
Embracing Contentment.
Creating Space and Making Room; and
Staying with It: The ‘Grace Gift’ of Tenacity.

Each chapter concludes with questions for personal and/or group reflection designed to engage the reader to consider and to apply what was read.

“What is it about us that we want our family, friends, faith community, and new followers of Christ to catch from us?” (p. 127). This book can help both to define what those specific qualities are for you and to equip you to pass them along to others.

Those who read pre-published versions of the book praised it as:

“…a very much needed resource in a world that is increasingly negligent of honesty and integrity. These monographs provide a valuable blueprint for leaders worldwide (cross-culturally, cross-continental, to the church and other industries).” – Filimao M. Chambo, Ph.D., General Superintendent, Church of the Nazarene

“…filled with best practices for ethical leadership to help you represent Christ and your institution for best possible outcomes.” – Edna Murugan, Ph.D., Online Faculty Manager, West Coast University and Ordained Elder, Church of the Nazarene

“…realistic and an easy read concerning the proper way to mentor and model leadership character traits for anyone who wants to improve their management skills!” – Margaret Britt, D.B.A. Professor of Human Resource Management, Retired Mount Vernon Nazarene University

You may access the book in either the Kindle e-book format or the paperback edition through Amazon at a reduced rate book launch price at the following link:

Download at Amazon

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